About Securio
We are a Veteran Owned Small Business. Founded in 2015, Securio Federal delivers critical security services across the globe.
Our extensive experience includes successful performance on risk
management and security contracts across multiple countries in
varied industries and sectors. Whether supporting non-governmental organizations, diplomatic missions, commercial partners, or the mining sector, our standard has remained high from one mission to the next. Our commitment to the communities for whom we serve and the clients that operate within are predicated upon diplomacy and cultural sensitivity. We pride ourselves in a management team that leverages the experience of former special forces and federal agents who have
served in multiple capacities around the world.
The power of Securio Federal is not predicated upon the number of
guards under our command. Our strength is based upon the lives we
have affected through journey management and securing the road less traveled.
The successful execution of security services for polio vaccination projects in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria is the hallmark of our business.
Securio Federal is committed to providing quality security service
within a safe and healthy working environment. Securio Federal
operates in a responsible manner that prioritizes human safety
and security, conforming to international law, local laws, and human rights.
We conduct all of our business and security operations based on client objectives by managing risks to all of our stakeholders including our clients, persons working for us on our behalf, and the communities we operate within.
As development gains are hard to achieve amidst conflict and fragility
and in its aftermath, we provide security and stability, creating, in turn,
a tenable environment for sustainable development progress.
It’s in our core and it’s the right thing to do. We serve our clients every day,
ensuring their safety and ability to succeed in environments that are difficult to navigate.
Our corporate responsibility transcends continents, countries and diverse communities.
We are committed to extending our vision of sustainable business ethics to all we serve.
The secure path through
an evolving world
Our Mission
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Extraordinary Experiences
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Our Core Values
- Locavit liberioris possedit
- Diremit mundi mare undae
- Spectent tonitrua mutastis